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The pyboard has 2 small switches, labelled USR and RST. The RST switch is a hard-reset switch, and if you press it then it restarts the pyboard from scratch, equivalent to turning the power off then back on.

The USR switch is for general use, and is controlled via a Switch object. To make a switch object do:

>>> sw = pyb.Switch()

Remember that you may need to type import pyb if you get an error that the name pyb does not exist.

With the switch object you can get its status:

>>> sw()

This will print False if the switch is not held, or True if it is held. Try holding the USR switch down while running the above command.

Callback bouton

= Qu'est-ce qu'un callback?


L'objet switch


Source: The Switch, callbacks and interrupts écrit par/written by Damien P.George

Traduit par Meurisse D. pour MCHobby.be - Translated by Meurisse D. for MCHobby.be

Traduit avec l'autorisation de micropython.org - Translated with the authorisation of micropython.org

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