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23 octets supprimés ,  7 novembre 2015 à 19:50
Ligne 11 : Ligne 11 :  
=== Utiliser le breakout PN532 avec libnfc ===
=== Utiliser le breakout PN532 avec libnfc ===
{{bloc-etroit|text=libnfc is a mature, cross-platform, open-source NFC library that can be easily configured to work with the PN532 Breakout Board. While Linux is probably the easiest platform to use libnfc with, it can be configured for the Mac and Windows as well, though you may need to dig around on the libnfc Community Forums for some specific details on compiling .dlls for Windows, etc.
libnfc is a mature, cross-platform, open-source NFC library that can be easily configured to work with the PN532 Breakout Board. While Linux is probably the easiest platform to use libnfc with, it can be configured for the Mac and Windows as well, though you may need to dig around on the libnfc Community Forums for some specific details on compiling .dlls for Windows, etc.
If you want to test the PN532 Breakout Board out with libnfc, this simple tutorial should walk you through the absolute basics of compiling and configuring libnfc, and using some of the canned example SW included in the library.
If you want to test the PN532 Breakout Board out with libnfc, this simple tutorial should walk you through the absolute basics of compiling and configuring libnfc, and using some of the canned example SW included in the library.
{{ambox-stop|text= This is only for using the PN532 breakout with an FTDI cable or FTDI Friend to a proper computer. You cannot run LIbNFC on an Arduino or other microcontroller}}
{{ambox-stop|text= This is only for using the PN532 breakout with an FTDI cable or FTDI Friend to a proper computer. You cannot run LIbNFC on an Arduino or other microcontroller}}
== Libnfc sous Linux ==
== Libnfc sous Linux ==
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