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Ligne 23 : Ligne 23 :  
Configuration des cavaliers lors de l'utilisation d'une source d'alimentation externe:
Configuration des cavaliers lors de l'utilisation d'une source d'alimentation externe:
* JP2
* JP2
** Switching this jumper to the side of the JP2 label causes the P02 (green connector) to act as an input for ground from the external power source. Otherwise P02 is connected to the internal 12V.
** Placer le cavalier du côté du libellé JP2 transforme le connecteur P02 (vert) en masse de référence pour les entrées (où il faut raccorder la masse de la source d'alimentation externe). '''Sinon''' P02 est connecté sur  is connected to the internal 12V.
** This step must be done as first when changing jumper settings.  
** This step must be done as first when changing jumper settings.  
** '''Please note''' that after this step, the GND of UniPi is connected to P02! Make sure to proceed with JP3 settings after this step.
** '''Please note''' that after this step, the GND of UniPi is connected to P02! Make sure to proceed with JP3 settings after this step.
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