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Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :  
{{Arduino Yun-NAV}}
{{Arduino Yun-NAV}}
== Description ==
== Description ==
Classe [[Arduino Yun-Librairie#Bridge_-_classes_et_m.C3.A9thodes|Bridge]], librairie/bibliothèque  d'[[Arduino Yun-Librairie|Arduino Yùn]].
Reports back if there is a message waiting to be read from the Linux processor to the AVR.  
Starts Bridge, facilitating communication between the AVR and Linux processor. This should be called once in ''setup()''
''begin()'' is a blocking function. Once you call Bridge.begin(), nothing else will happen in your sketch until it has completed. This process takes approximately three seconds.  
== Syntaxe ==
== Syntaxe ==
Ligne 16 : Ligne 12 :  
== Paramètres ==
== Paramètres ==
== Résultat ==
== Résultat ==
int: the size of the available message
== Exemple ==
== Exemple ==
Ligne 28 : Ligne 24 :  
== Voir aussi ==
== Voir aussi ==
* [[RB-ARD-YUN-Class-Bridge|constructeur Bridge]]
* [[RB-ARD-YUN-Class-Bridge|constructeur Bridge]]
* [[RB-ARD-YUN-Process-Func-begin|Process.begin()]]
* [[RB-ARD-YUN-Bridge-Func-begin|Bridge.begin()]]
* [[RB-ARD-YUN-Console-Func-begin|Console.begin()]]
* [[RB-ARD-YUN-Console-Func-begin|Console.begin()]]
* [[RB-ARD-YUN-Bridge-Func-readMessage|Bridge.readMessage()]] [ src]
* [[RB-ARD-YUN-Bridge-Func-readMessage|Bridge.readMessage()]]
* [[RB-ARD-YUN-Bridge-Func-writeMessage|Bridge.writeMessage()]] [ src]
* [[RB-ARD-YUN-Bridge-Func-messageAvailable|Bridge.messageAvailable()]] [ src]
{{Arduino Yun-TRAILER}}
{{Arduino Yun-TRAILER}}
29 973


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