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Déclenchement audio


OK finally you are ready to play some audio. You can use the board in two ways, either in 'Trigger mode' (default) or 'Serial mode' (more advanced usages, see the next page)

This page will talk only about using it in trigger mode since that's what we think most people will do.

Combien de déclencheurs y a t'il?

There are eleven trigger pins - named #0 thru #10

You don't have to use them all! We just had lotsa pins so we made them all available.

Each trigger bin is an input that we recommend using with a pushbutton or tactile button or other kind of switch. When the # pin is connected to GND for more than about 50 milliseconds it will trigger! There is a 100K pull up resistor on each one, so you do not need any extra resistors or pullups.

Remember, you don't have to use a mechanical button or switch - you can use conductive thread, tilt switches, two pieces of tinfoil, the output from some other electronic thingy, just anything that will send a ground signal to the pin.

Source: Adafruit Audio FX Sound board Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

Créé par Ladyada pour AdaFruit Industries.
Traduit par Meurisse D. pour MCHobby.

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Traduit avec l'autorisation d'AdaFruit Industries - Translated with the permission from Adafruit Industries -