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The ATmega32U4 has 4 timers: Timer0, Timer1, Timer3, and Timer4. Each timer has a different set of features, as documented in the datasheet.

  • Timer0 is used by the Arduino environment for timing-related functions like millis().
  • Timer1 is used by the Romi 32U4 Control Board Arduino library for driving motors.
  • Timer3 is not used by the Romi 32U4 Arduino library and can be freely used for your own purposes.
  • Timer4 is used by the Romi 32U4 Arduino library for controlling the buzzer. The buzzer pin (digital pin 6, or PD7; Timer4 output OC4D) can be freed for other uses by cutting the surface-mount jumper labeled “6 = Buzzer”.

Basé sur "Guide utilisateur de la carte de contrôle Romi 32U4" de Pololu (https://www.pololu.com/docs/0J69) - Traduit en Français par shop.mchobby.be CC-BY-SA pour la traduction
Toute copie doit contenir ce crédit, lien vers cette page et la section "crédit de traduction". Traduit avec l'autorisation expresse de Pololu (www.pololu.com)

Based on "Pololu Romi 32U4 Control Board User’s Guide" from Pololu (https://www.pololu.com/docs/0J69) - Translated to French by shop.mchobby.be CC-BY-SA for the translation
Copies must includes this credit, link to this page and the section "crédit de traduction" (translation credit). Translated with the Pololu's authorization (www.pololu.com)