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Support I2C

Le support I2C est implémenté sur les broches SDA et SCL. Pour le tester, connectez un périphérique I2C (Alimentation, Masse, SDA et SCL). Exécutez ensuite la commande i2cdetect -y 0 (en root) pour détecter les adresses utilisées sur le bus I2C.

Pour plus d'informations et idées, vous pouvez consulter ce billet (par l'incroyable cboot) et les autres articles sur les Forums Raspberry Pi.

      • GRAS ***

N'hésitez pas à vérifier les tutoriels sur BMP085, ***LINK*** MCP4725, ***LINK*** Servo Driver, and ***LINK*** 7-segment breakout tutorials cover using I2C via Python on the Pi - so please check those out and read the code examples for I2C interfacing ideas!

      • GRAS ***

SPI Support

SPI support is on the CLK/MOSI/MISO/CS0/CS1 pins. To test, connect your logic analyser/scope to the pins and run echo "testtext" > /dev/spidev0.0 to send some dummy data to the SPI port. You can simply read/write the /dev/spidev files to read/write from SPI

      • GRAS***

Our Light Painting tutorial uses the hardware SPI system to write to digital LED strip, ***LINK MCP3008*** we also have a 'bitbanging' software SPI tutorial here if you need such a thing

      • GRAS***

One Wire Support

One wire is most commonly used for DS18B20 temp sensors. The Pi does not have 'hardware' 1-wire support but it can bitbang it with some success. Connect a DS18B20 with VCC to 3V, ground to ground and Data to GPIO #4. Then connect a 4.7K resistor from Data to VCC.

Then run as root: modprobe w1-gpio and then modprobe w1-therm to attach the temperature submodule. Then you can run cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-*/w1_slave to read the temperature data from the bus

The first line has the CRC, if its "NO" then the data is corrupted. If you get a good CRC check, the second line has t=temperature in 1/1000 of a degree Centigrade. For example, below, the temperature is 24.5°C

Since 1-wire is bitbanged, its flakier than SPI or I2C. ***LINK*** We have a short tutorial on using a DS18B20 sensor (http://learn.adafruit.com/adafruits-raspberry-pi-lesson-11-ds18b20-temperature-sensing)


Wifi Support


Bonjour Support

Bonjour is what Apple uses to make it easier to find new devices on a LAN. Instead of having to look up the IP address, there's a local name. This distro uses raspberrypi.local by default. All Apple machines have Bonjour servers. If you have ever installed iTunes, it comes with it. Other Windows users can get it from here - its called the print server but its what you want

Test by trying to ping raspberrypi.local when the Pi is booted and connected to Ethernet (or WiFi once you have configured WiFi)

sshd on Boot

This image has sshd on boot - that means you can immediately ssh in using raspberrypi.local! The ssh keys are generated on boot but since the user/pass is simply pi/raspberry you should not put this on an accessible network until you've changed the password

Source: [1]

Traduit avec l'autorisation d'AdaFruit Industries - Translated with the permission from Adafruit Industries - www.adafruit.com

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