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487 octets ajoutés ,  7 mars 2012 à 11:43
Ligne 276 : Ligne 276 :  
=== Upload Sketch to Arduino ===
=== Upload Sketch to Arduino ===
<center>'''Data Stream among Computer, Arduino and GPRS Shield'''</center>
<center>'''Flux de données entre l'ordinateur, Arduino et le shield GPRS'''</center>
The following sketch configures Arduino/Arduino clone as serial link between PC and the GPRS Shield<font color="red">(Jumpers on SWserial side)</font>. PC would need a serial terminal software to communicate with it - Window's built-in HyperTerminal, Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor, [ Serial Terminals(sscom32)] or [ Bray++ Terminal].
The following sketch configures Arduino/Arduino clone as serial link between PC and the GPRS Shield<font color="red">(Jumpers on SWserial side)</font>. PC would need a serial terminal software to communicate with it - Window's built-in HyperTerminal, Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor, [ Serial Terminals(sscom32)] or [ Bray++ Terminal].
Vous pouvez utiliser le moniteur série d'Arduino pour communiquer directement avec l'UART du SIM900 à l'aide de ce sketch. Dans ce cas, il faut configurer le débit de la connexion du moniteur série sur "19.200 Bauds" et "Carriage Return". En effet, l'UART du SIM900 réagit au retour clavier.
Note: Le retour clavier, souvent symbolisé par CR correspond à touche "enter"/"Entrée". Cette touche correspond au caractère ASCII 13 aussi codé en C à l'aide de "/r".
After uploading the sketch to the Arduino board, press the ON/OFF button on the GPRS Shield to turn it on; Now you can see what you get on the serial terminal and the status of the three indicator LEDs, then communicate with your Shield.
After uploading the sketch to the Arduino board, press the ON/OFF button on the GPRS Shield to turn it on; Now you can see what you get on the serial terminal and the status of the three indicator LEDs, then communicate with your Shield.
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