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Ligne 18 : Ligne 18 :  
This step is for all Arduino and compatibles. Please note that we use the hardware SPI port (the 2x3 pins) for talking to the Bluefruit LE module. If that port is not available you'll have to jumper the SCK/MOSI/MISO pins to other pins and use 'software SPI'!
This step is for all Arduino and compatibles. Please note that we use the hardware SPI port (the 2x3 pins) for talking to the Bluefruit LE module. If that port is not available you'll have to jumper the SCK/MOSI/MISO pins to other pins and use 'software SPI'!
<small>All the images here under are credited to [ Adafruit Industries].</small>
<small>Toutes les images ci-dessous sont créditées à [ Adafruit Industries] - All the images here under are credited to [ Adafruit Industries].</small>
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