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177 octets ajoutés ,  23 juillet 2017 à 16:00
Ligne 36 : Ligne 36 :  
  <nowiki># Temp = -200° -> R_sens = 200 Ohms.
  <nowiki># Temp = -200° -> R_sens = 200 Ohms.
V_sens = tension aux bornes de la résistance R_sens de la sonde.
V_sens = tension aux bornes de la résistance R_sens de la sonde.
V_sens = 12V/(969.7+200)*969.7 = 9.948
V_sens = 12V * 200/(200+969.7) = 9.948 Volts
# V_AI+ = tension sur entrée analogique = 12V - V_sens
V_AI+ = 12 - 9.948 = 1.20 Volts
# Temp = -200° -> R_sens = 3800 Ohms.
# Temp = +800° -> R_sens = 3800 Ohms.
V_sens = 12V/(969.7+3800)*969.7 = 2.439</nowiki>
V_sens = 12V * 3800/(3800+969.7) = 2.05 volts
V_AI+ = 12 - 2.05 = 9.948 Volts</nowiki>
'''Please note that there is 10V at R_sens and 2V on the junction.'''  
'''La tension à la jonction (AI+) est donc comprise entre 1.2 et 9.948 volts.'''  
S the value on AI when the sensor measures -200°C is 9.948V and when the sensor measures +800°C, the value at AI is 2.439. See datasheet of your sensor in order to check all the values. Also remember that the hardware design of UniPi has some limitation so you can read precisely to 0.05V. In this sample sensor this would mean that you will be able to read temperature with precision +-50°C. If you need more precise reading, change the value of the R_ref.....
La valeur lue sur AI est de 9.561 volts lorsque la température mesurée est de -200°C et de and when the sensor measures +800°C, the value at AI is 2.439. See datasheet of your sensor in order to check all the values. Also remember that the hardware design of UniPi has some limitation so you can read precisely to 0.05V. In this sample sensor this would mean that you will be able to read temperature with precision +-50°C. If you need more precise reading, change the value of the R_ref.....
If the range of the R_sens is does not match your needs the R_ref can be changed. The value of R_Ref is calculated according to this formula:
If the range of the R_sens is does not match your needs the R_ref can be changed. The value of R_Ref is calculated according to this formula:
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