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191 octets ajoutés ,  29 août 2017 à 19:26
Ligne 5 : Ligne 5 :  
== Souder les connecteurs et les borniers ==
== Souder les connecteurs et les borniers ==
Before we can motorin' there's a little soldering to be done. This step will attach the 2x20 socket header so that we can plug this HAT into a Raspberry Pi, and the terminal blocks so you can attach external power and motors.
Before we can motorin' there's a little soldering to be done. This step will attach the 2x20 socket header so that we can plug this HAT into a Raspberry Pi, and the terminal blocks so you can attach external power and motors.
''Toutes les images ci-dessous sont créditées à [ Adafruit Industries] - All the images here under are crédited to [ Adafruit Industries''.
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