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Crédit: Particle.IO

Vous pouvez également obtenir ce diagramme directement depuis le site de Spark Core (png).


The Spark Core offers a total 18 I/O pins to the user: D0 to D7, A0 to A7 and two pins that are preset to serial - TX and RX.

Broches digitals

Each pin on the Core can either be configured as input (with or without pull-up or pull-down) or as output (push-pull or open-drain) using the pinMode() function.

After setting them up, the user can then write to or read from the pins using digitalWrite() and digitalRead() functions respectively.

Each of these pins can individually source/sink a maximum of 20mA. In the input mode, the user can activate internal pull-up or pull-down resistors (typically equal to 40K ohms). By default these are deactivated.

Entrées analogiques

Pins A0 to A7 can be set up as analog inputs and can measure voltages of upto 3.3V and are internally referenced to VDD. The user can read the pins using analogRead() function which returns a 12bit value.

Sorties PWM

Aussi appelées sorties analogiques.

This term is misleading and misused but is widely adopted in the Arduino community. The pins that are set to output an analog value don't actually output an analog voltage but rather produce a PWM signal whose duty cycle can be varied thus varying the total average power of the signal. On the Core, the PWM signals have a resolution of 8 bits and run at a frequency of 500Hz.

Having said that, the user can send analog values to the pins using the function analogWrite().

This feature is only available on the following pins: A0, A1, A4, A5, A6, A7, D0 et D1.

Ports séries (UART)

The Core features three serial ports.

Crédit: Particle.IO

The first one is a CDC (Communications Device Class) available over the USB port. When configured, it will show up as a virtual COM port on the computer. (usage: Serial.begin(9600);)

The second one is a hardware USART available via the TX and RX pins on the Core. (usage: Serial1.begin(9600);)

The third one is a hardware USART available via the D1(Tx) and D0(Rx) pins on the Core. (usage: Serial2.begin(9600);)

Configuration and use of all of these serial ports is described in the serial functions (Spark, anglais).

NOTE: Please take into account that the voltage levels on these pins runs at 0V to 3.3V and should not be connected directly to a computer's RS232 serial port which operates at +/- 12V and can damage the Core.

Source: Particle Core Hardware créé par Particle.IO.

Traduction réalisée par Meurisse D pour - Translated by Meurisse D. for

Traduit avec l'autorisation de Spark.IO - Translated with the permission from Particle.IO - Particle.IO

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