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Broches d'alimentation

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

Nous allons commencer par les broches BAT+, USB+, 3V/5V et GND

  • BAT+ est la broche de connexion du pôle + de votre bloc piles ("Bat" provient de l'anglais Battery signifiant "pile"). Si vous désirez alimenter le Trinket Pro depuis des piles, une alimentations murale, un paneau solaire ou toute autre source d'alimentation alors connectez la fil + (positif) sur cette broche! Vous pouvez brancher une source d'alimentation jusqu'à 16V continu.
    Si vous avez un Trinket Pro 3V vous aurez besoin d'une source d'alimentation minimale de 3.5V. Si vous avez un Trinket Pro 5V vous aurez besoins d'une source d'alimentation minimale de 5.5V. Cette entrée dispose d'une protection contre la polarisation invese.
  • BUS est la sortie de la broche + du bus USB. Si vous voulez utiliser l'alimentation 5V USB pour alimenter quelque-chose, comme charger un accu, ou si vous avez besoin de plus de 150mA de courant (cette broches est capable d'offrir 500mA+ depuis le port USB). Cette broche peut aussi être utilisée pour savoir si le Trinket Pro est branché sur un port USB, cette broche aura une tension de 5V lorsque le Trinket est branché sur un port USB (d'un ordinateur ou d'une alimentation USB)
  • GND est la masse commune utilisé pour la logique et l'alimentation. Elle est connectée sur la masse de l'USB et la masse du régulateur de tension, etc. C'est la broche que vous utiliserez si vous avez besoin d'une connexion à la masse/GND.

Broches GPIO

Next we will cover the 18 GPIO (General Purpose Input Ouput) pins! 18 GPIO is a big step up from the little Trinket with only 5 or so pins. This is almost as many as a 'full grown' Arduino. In fact, since the Pro Trinket uses the same core chip as an Arduino, nearly any existing project that uses special pins like hardware PWM or SPI will work 'out of the box'.

All the GPIO pins can be used as digital inputs, digital outputs, for LEDs, buttons and switches etc. They can provide up to 20mA of current. Don't connect a motor or other high-power component directly to the pins! Instead, use a transistor to power the DC motor on/off.

Niveau logique

On a 3V Pro Trinket, the GPIO are 3.3V output level, and should not be used with 5V inputs. On a 5V Pro Trinket, the GPIO are 5V output level, and can be used with 3V inputs but may damage electronic devices that are 3V input only!

Les broches GPIO digitales

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

  • RX - also known as Digital #0, this is the hardware serial input pin
  • TX - also known as Digital #1, this is the hardware serial output pin
  • Digital 3 - this pin can also be used as a PWM output pin using analogWrite()
  • Digital 4 - Nothing particularly special about this GPIO pin
  • Digital 5 - this pin can also be used as a PWM output pin using analogWrite()
  • Digital 6 - this pin can also be used as a PWM output pin using analogWrite()
  • Digital 8 - Nothing particularly special about this GPIO pin
  • Digital 9 - this pin can also be used as a PWM output pin using analogWrite() It's also good for driving servos because its a high-speed PWM output
  • Digital 10 - this pin can also be used as a PWM output pin using analogWrite() It's also good for driving servos because its a high-speed PWM output
  • Digital 11 - Also known as the SPI MOSI pin. this pin can also be used as a PWM output pin using analogWrite()
  • Digital 12 - Also known as the SPI MISO pin
  • Digital 13 - Also known as the SPI CLOCK pin

Les broches GPIO analogiques/digitales

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

  • Analogique 0 - also known as Digital 14, this pin can be a digital I/O pin or an analog input pin
  • Analogique 1 - also known as Digital 15, this pin can be a digital I/O pin or an analog input pin
  • Analogique 2 - also known as Digital 16, this pin can be a digital I/O pin or an analog input pin
  • Analogique 3 - also known as Digital 17, this pin can be a digital I/O pin or an analog input pin
  • Analogique 4 - also known as Digital 18, this pin can be a digital I/O pin or an analog input pin. It's also the I2C SDA pin
  • Analogique 5 - also known as Digital 19, this pin can be a digital I/O pin or an analog input pin. It's also the I2C SCL pin

Les broches analogiques uniquement

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

The two pins that sit sort-of inside the body of the Pro Trinket, A6 and A7, are analog input only pins. They're kind of an 'extra' that you get with the Pro Trinket. These pins cannot be used for LEDs, buttons, servos, etc. They're only for analogRead() usage!

If you're used to using an Arduino Uno, you may notice that pins #2 and #7 are not available. That's because we use those two pins for the USB bootloader. They are not available for use and are not broken out.

Les autres broches

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

  • Aref - this is the optional analog reference pin for the analog converter, to be used when you want the 'top' of the analog converter to be different than 3V or 5V. Connect this to your desired reference voltage (between 0 and the Pro Trinket voltage) and use analogReference(EXTERNAL)
  • RST - This is the Reset pin for the Pro Trinket. Connecting this to ground momentarily resets the Trinket and also starts up the bootloader.

Le connecteur FTDI

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

At the bottom is 6 pins in a row that we call the FTDI header. You can use these pins to program the Pro Trinket with an FTDI cable or FTDI Friend. You can also use it for serial debugging.

  • GND - same as the power ground pins
  • 5V - same as the VBUS pin
  • RX - same as the RX pin
  • TX - same as the TX pin
  • RST - there's a 0.1uF capacitors in between this pin and the Reset pin, so that Arduino-compatible programmers will work correctly with the DTR/RTS-toggle technique

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

Source: Introducing Pro Trinket réalisé par Ladyada pour AdaFruit Industries. Crédit AdaFruit Industries

Traduit par Meurisse.D. pour

Traduit avec l'autorisation d'AdaFruit Industries - Translated with the permission from Adafruit Industries -

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