Configurer Arduino IDE
Chances are, you picked up a Trinket because it is programmable with the Arduino IDE. The Pro Trinket uses the same core chip as Arduino UNO, and the 5V Pro Trinket uses the same clock rate and voltage so its pretty much a full Arduino-compatible, just smaller!
The only changes you may have to consider when adapting Arduino sketches are:
- Pins #2 and #7 are not available
- The onboard 5V regulator can provide 150mA output, not 800mA out
- You cannot plug shields directly into the Pro Trinket
- There is no Serial-to-USB chip onboard. This is to keep the Pro Trinket small and inexpensive, you can use any FTDI cable to connect to the FTDI port for a Serial connection
- The bootloader on the Pro Trinket use 4KB of FLASH so the maximum sketch size is 28,672 bytes. The bootloader does not affect RAM usage.
Even though Trinket has a USB connector, it does not have a "Serial Console" capability, so you cannot use Serial to send and receive data to/from a computer without a seperate FTDI Cable! |
La méthode rapide
If you don't want to modify an existing Arduino IDE install, you can simply download our ready-to-go and tested Flora/Gemma/Trinket-ified v1.05 right here:
Be sure to extract the contents of the zip file. The IDE will not execute properly from a compressed folder. |
La méthode lente
Le Trinket Pro n'est pas supporté nativement par Arduino IDE mais AdaFruit à consacré une partie de son tutoriel à l'installation de Trinket Pro sous dans une installation Arduino IDE.
Vous pouvez consulter cette partie directement dans la section "Slow Way" du tutoriel d'AdaFruit.
Source: Introducing Pro Trinket réalisé par Ladyada pour AdaFruit Industries. Crédit AdaFruit Industries
Traduit par Meurisse.D. pour
Traduit avec l'autorisation d'AdaFruit Industries - Translated with the permission from Adafruit Industries -
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