To display text, just send ASCII characters! There are a few special characters to note:
- New line character (0x0A or '\n') will fill the rest of the current row with spaces (to blank it) and move to the next line
- Carriage return (0x0D or '\r') is not listened to
- Backspace (0x08) will back up the character one space and replace the last character with a space to erase it.
There are also a bunch of special commands, see below for how to send those commands below.
The only character that is 'special' is 0xFE which is the 'command start' character.
Tutoriel USB + Serial RGB Backlight Character LCD Backpack créé par Tyler Cooper pour AdaFruit Industries.
Tutoriel traduit et augmenté par Meurisse D. pour
Traduit avec l'autorisation d'AdaFruit Industries - Translated with the permission from Adafruit Industries -
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