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Ligne 19 : Ligne 19 :  
{{asm-text}} Localisez les pastilles correspondant au boutons ''shoulder'' (sur le côté opposé du connecteur).
Locate the bumper labeled pins on the opposite side of the gamepad PCB. Referencing the photo, from the bottom up, the order of pins are: '''L button''', '''R button''', '''Ground''', '''Ground'''. Once you're familiar with the pin order, solder in the wires from the 12mm tactile buttons. 
En prenant la photo comme référence, vous avez les connexions suivante '''de bas en haut'''. Referencing the photo, from the bottom up, the order of pins are: '''L button''', '''R button''', '''Ground''', '''Ground'''. Once you're familiar with the pin order, solder in the wires from the 12mm tactile buttons. 
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