AdaFruit Proto Shield Souder

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Il est temps de souder les éléments du kit!

Si vous n'avez jamais souder avant ce jour, jetez un oeil sur les préparatifs pour tutoriels.

Etape 0: Contrôle


La première chose à faire est de vérifier la liste des composants. Vérifiez la liste des composants à l'aide du lien "Liste des pièces" disponible en haut à droite de cette page. Note: Le PinHeader à 3 broches n'est plus inclus depuis que nous utilisons seulement les Arduino NG (dernière révision USB)!

Etape 1: les boutons


Placer les deux boutons. Ils devraient parfaitement se positionner sur leur emplacement et traverser la carte (le PCB). Pas besoin de vous inquiéter de mal les monter car les boutons sont symétriques.

Etape 2: sourdure


Souder les 4 points des boutons à l'aide de votre fer à souder.

Etape 3: Connecteur ICSP


Ensuite, placez le PinHeader ICSP à 6 broches. Vous pouvez sauter cette étape si vous êtes décidé à ne jamais utiliser de programmateur externe!

Etape 4


Solder all 6 pins. You may have to tape or hold the part in place or it'll fall out!


Etape 5


Next its time to place the two 3mm LEDs. LEDs are directional, and if you put them in backwards they wont work.

LEDs have a positive lead and a negative lead. The positive lead is longer.

Etape 6


On the Protoshield PCB you will see a small + sign next to the LED silkscreen pictures. That's the side you should put the positive lead in.

Etape 7


Souder les deux LEDs dans leur emplacement. Celle qui est visible sur cette image mais également celle située au gauche de la carte (juste visible au dessus de la main)

Etape 8


Use diagonal cutters to snip off the long legs so that they are about as long as the legs of the buttons or ICSP header


Etape 9


Next place the two resistors for the LEDs. Resistors don't have a direction so you can put them in either way.

Etape 10


Solder in the resistor legs and clip them short.



Etape 11


Next, place the 4 8-pin and 6-pin female headers as shown.

Etape 12


Turn the board over and solder them in, you may have to hold the parts or tape them to keep them from falling out!



Etape 13

devrait etre vide, renommer les autres points --1 Fichier:ADF-ProtoShield-Souder13.jpg

Etape 14


Next its time to make the male headers from the long strip. use diagonal cutters or pliers to clip off 4 parts, 2 6-pin and 2 8-pin, as shown.



Etape 15


If you have a Diecimila (2008), Duemilanove (2009) or newer Arduino, put the long ends of the male header in to the female header on the Arduino, as shown

Etape 16


Put the proto shield on top of the Arduino, so that the male header aligns with the solder holes.

Etape 17


Solder every pin of the male header. Keep the shield on the Arduino to make the job easy.

Once you're done, you can remove the shield from the Arduino.



Etape 18


If you're using a half-sized breadboard you should stop now as adding the remaining parts will make the breadboard not fit as well.

Etape 19


Place the two ceramic capacitors. They are symmetric so you don't have to worry about putting them in backwards.

Etape 20


Solder and clip the capacitors (NOTE the image shows a 3pin header but that is not used anymore, ignore it!)


Etape 21

devrait etre vide, renommer les autres points --1


Etape 22

devrait etre vide, renommer les autres points --1


Etape 23


Solder in the 3 5-pin female headers. These are especially useful if you're using a tiny breadboard with the shield.

One of the headers is all ground pins, another is all 5V pins. The final one is 'floating', which means you can use a jumper to make it Vin or 3.3V or any other value you need.

Etape 24


Solder in the headers

(NOTE the image shows a 3pin header but that is not used anymore, ignore it!)


Image a changer, voir page tuto de LadyAda

Traduit avec l'autorisation d'AdaFruit Industries - Translated with the permission from Adafruit Industries -

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