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Voici une petite vue des nœuds déjà disponibles dans l'installation de base.


Les noeuds d'entrée

Vous les trouverez dans la collection de noeud "Input".

Il y a 7 noeuds d'entrée de base dans l'installation par défaut. Ces noeuds couvrent les mécanismes de communication de base utilisé principalement par les applications IoT. Cela s'étale des protocoles Internet fondamentaux tels que UDP et TCP jusqu'à un niveau plus élevé tels que HTTP et les mécanismes MQTT de publication/souscription (publish/subscribe).

Nom de Noeud Description
inject Injects a timestamp or user-configured text into a message. Can be configured to inject manually, at a set interval, or at specific times (using Cron).
catch Catches errors thrown by nodes on the same tab. If a node throws an error whilst handling a message, the flow will typically halt. This node can be used to catch those errors returning a message with an error property detailing the error and the source node and type.
mqtt Subscribes to an MQTT broker and listens on a topic, returns any data published on the topic as a new message. Supports Quality of Service levels and last data retention.
http Receives HTTP requests, allowing Node-RED to act as a basic web server. HTTP body is delivered as an output message along with any response. Message can contain standard URL-encoded data or JSON.
websocket Provides an endpoint for a browser to establish a websocket connection with Node-RED. Offers a duplex connection for browser/server combinations.
tcp Used to accept incoming TCP requests on a specified port or to connect to a remote TCP port. Generates messages containing the TCP data as a single – or stream of – buffer, string or base64 encoded.
udp Used to accept incoming UDP packets (or multicast packets) on a specified port. Generates messages containing the UDP data as a BUFFER, string or base64 encoded string.
serial in Reads from a serial port on the local device. Can be configured to read buffers, a specific time period or wait for line breaks.

Les noeuds de sortie

Vous les trouverez dans la collection de noeud "Output".

The output nodes are essentially the mirror images of the basic set of input nodes and provide a way to send data on the same set of protocols, i.e. mqtt, http, udp etc.

Nom de Noeud Description
debug Provides a simple way to view messages which are displayed in the debug pane. Can be configured to display just the msg.payload or the entire msg object.
mqtt Subscribes to an MQTT broker and posts any data (msg.payload) it receives in incoming messages to a topic. Supports Quality of Service levels and last data retention.
http Sends responses back to HTTP requests received from a HTTP Input node. The response body is determined by msg.payload, and can have headers and status code defined.
websocket Sends msg.payload out on the websocket configured. If msg._session is defined, sends to the origination client, otherwise broadcasts to all connected clients
tcp Replies to a configured TCP port. Can also be used to send to a specific port.
udp Sends a UDP message to the configured host (ip address) and port. Supports broadcast. Like most nodes, configured through UI or message properties.
serial out Sends to the defined serial port. Can be configured to send an optional newline after any message payload.

Les Noeuds de fonction

Vous les trouverez dans la collection de noeuds "Function"

Nom de Noeud Description
xx xx

Source: Raspberry Pi Hosting Node-Red
Créé par C. Mobberley pour AdaFruit Industries.

Traduction réalisée et augmentée par Meurisse D. pour MCHobby.be.

Toute référence, mention ou extrait de cette traduction doit être explicitement accompagné du texte suivant : «  Traduction par MCHobby (www.MCHobby.be) - Vente de kit et composants » avec un lien vers la source (donc cette page) et ce quelque soit le média utilisé.

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Traduit avec l'autorisation d'AdaFruit Industries - Translated with the permission from Adafruit Industries - www.adafruit.com