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{{bloc-etroit|text=When you want to reuse code across multiple applications, Spark Libraries are your friend. Spark Libraries are easily shareable, extensible packages built by the community to help with common problems many Spark applications encounter. They are hosted on GitHub and easily pulled into the IDE where they can be included in apps and shared with others.}}
{{bloc-etroit|text=Adding a library to the IDE starts by creating an open source GitHub repository where your code will live. At minimum, this repository needs a <code>spark.json</code> file, some documentation, some example firmware files, and some Arduino/C++ files. The import and validation process is designed to be forgiving and easy to interpret, so don't be scared; the IDE will walk you through what is required to get your library set to go.}}
You can include a library in an application by opening the library drawer, finding a library that will work for your project, and clicking the "include in app" button. This will add an <code>#include</code> statement to your code that will expose all the capabilities of the library to your code.
The easiest way to generate library boilerplate code is to follow the instructions on the [https://github.com/spark/uber-library-example/#getting-started getting started section] of the <code>uber-library-example</code> (''Spark GitHub, anglais''), a project designed to illustrate and document what a library is supposed to look like.

Version du 17 décembre 2014 à 12:08

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Adding a library to the IDE starts by creating an open source GitHub repository where your code will live. At minimum, this repository needs a spark.json file, some documentation, some example firmware files, and some Arduino/C++ files. The import and validation process is designed to be forgiving and easy to interpret, so don't be scared; the IDE will walk you through what is required to get your library set to go.

Crédit: Particle.IO www.particle.io

The easiest way to generate library boilerplate code is to follow the instructions on the getting started section of the uber-library-example (Spark GitHub, anglais), a project designed to illustrate and document what a library is supposed to look like.

Source: Spark WEB IDE (build) créé par Spark.IO.

Traduction réalisée par Meurisse D pour MCHobby.be - Translated by Meurisse D. for MCHobby.be

Traduit avec l'autorisation de Spark.IO - Translated with the permission from Spark.IO - Spark.IO

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