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8 600 octets supprimés ,  20 février 2022 à 00:40
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== Introduction ==
What ever you do, the antenna is always one of the most sensitive component when working in the radio area.
The following schema shows how to wire the RFM69HCW to transmit data.
As you can see, the antenna is made of a simple wire.
Remove the wire and the data would not transmit at 1 meter of distance, even on the same desk!
Remember, '''the antenna is the key to transmit data over a long distance!'''
== Antenna connector ==
The radio modules usually offer a spot to solder antenna.
With the RFM69HCW the antenna spot allow you to connect an antenna in 3 different ways.
Later on, you would focus on antenna choice:
* A wire inside the antenna hole (also said a ''wire dipole'' or ''simple dipole'').
* A {{pl|1418|µFl connector}} to plug antenna.
* A {{pl|1419|PCB SMA connector}} also to plug other kind of antenna.
The cheapest antenna is the wire antenna (''simple dipole'') and the best option is the SMA connector (also mode heavy).
The {{pl|1418|µFl connector}} (also named uFl) is looking to this:
A {{pl|1419|PCB SMA connector}} is looking to this:
== Ground Station - Yagi Antenna ==
While reading [ some resources on the QSO magazine] (Magazine from Belgian Radio Amateur Association written in dutch and french), we did discover a Yagi Antenna tuned for 433Mhz.
[[Fichier:ENG-CANSAT-ANTENNA-10.png|640px]]<small><br />Source: QSO Magazine via [ this publication] - '''click to enlarge'''</small>
This antenna was engineered from the "[ Cheap Yagy]" (''pdf''), issue from the "[ Controlled Impedance 'Cheap' Antennas]" article written by Kent Britain WASVJB.
A simple rule of three can be used to adapt the antenna to other frequencies (the antenna was already adapted from a 432 Mhz design).
=== 6 or 11 elements ===
The Yagi antenna showed here upper does have 6 elements.
From a deeper read of the [ QSO magazines series], we learned that 6 elements Yagi can offer a gain up to 11.2 dBi.
It seems that the 11 elements Yagi ([ see original document]) '''will double the gain'''. Whoaw!!!
== About Yagi Antenna ==
Here some very basic information about Yagi antenna. It brings fundamental concepts that you will deal off with such antenna. 
=== Radiation Pattern ===
The radiation pattern is the direction or direction{{underline|'''s'''}} where the signal will be emitted (or received).
So for a given transmission power, a directional antenna would send the signal further than an hemisphere antenna. Indeed, directional antenna would concentrate all the power is one direction where as hemisphere antenna would spread the same power all around.
The Yagi antenna does support several radiation pattern but "Yagi" is often used in place of "Directional Yagi".
* '''Isotropic Antenna''' : radiate the same in all the direction.
* '''Directional Antenna''' (or Beam Antenna) : radiate most of its power in one or more direction. This increase the performances in the direction while reducing the interference coming from the other directions.
* '''Omni Directional antenna''' : uniformly radiates the power in one plan. With a directive pattern shape in perpendicular plane. This antenna radiates equally in all the directions and have some angle of elevation ([ dixit])
* '''Hemispherical antenna''' : radiates one half of the hemisphere (the lower or the upper one)
=== Common Design ===
The antenna lengths and spacing are depending on the wavelength to capture.
[[Fichier:ENG-CANSAT-ANTENNA-30.png]]<small><br />Source: [ design of Yagi Uda Antenna]</small>
* '''Directors''' : used to drive the signal in the given direction. Those directors are usually shorter than driven element (about 5%).
* '''Driven element''' : is the element that capture or emit the signal.
* '''Reflector''' : reflect the signal toward (or coming from) the driven element. The reflector is larger than driven element (about 5%).
Because of the antenna design, the maximum of radiation is in the way of director.
=== Needed Material ===
A cheap Yagi antenna could be realised with plastic material and some very tick wire.
However, the standard Yagy Antenna (and the best ones) are made with aluminium pipes.
=== Resource ===
* [ A closer look at the “black magic” of antennas, how they work, what is essential, and how to test them] (Youtube)<br />Very pratical and affordable video. They explain the power lost (or gain) in the antenna, in the '''antenna cable'''.
* [ Yagi Uda Antenna] ('''')
* [ Advantages & disadvantages of YAGI antenna] ('''')
== CanSat and Antenna ==
As specified by the CanSat settlement, everything should be contained within a defined volume (the Can).
So, the antenna should also fit into the volume.
However, '''once the can is released in the air, your project can deploy an antenna'''.
A well designed antenna for sending the data would also reduce the error ratio on the ground station.
=== Quarter WaveLength Antenna ===
It is possible to create a small antenna made of a simple thread of Wire.
The thickness is not especially critical but the length is very important.
The ideal Length can be calculated with the following formula:
<nowiki>      c
L = -------
    4 x f </nowiki>
* '''c''' : is the light speed (in m/s)
* '''f''' : the frequency (in hertz) for the antenna
* 4 : because it's a quarter length antenna.
So for a 433 Mhz, this will gives:
<nowiki>        3x10E8
L = -------------- = 0.1732m
    4 x 433*10E6 </nowiki>
So an antenna length of 17.32 cm.
=== Quater WeveLength & Polarization ===
<div style="margin: 15px 0; background: rgba(204,14,14,.3); display: block; padding: 15px 15px 15px 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px; border-radius: 2px; border: 1px solid #CCC;" >When using such antenna, you have to think about the polarisation of your signal, Andeas Spiess shows it into its YouTube video '[ A closer look at the “black magic” of antennas, how they work, what is essential, and how to test them]'. If you miss this very simple point, you will lost lot of gain and loose data.</div>
=== Other Antennas ===
We encourage you to search antenna with better performance.
Being creative may offers significant advantages in antenna design. A good antenna will maximize the transmitted power to the ground station.
== 7 Rules for Antennas ==
* Rule #1: Use short, high quality and thick antenna cables.
* Rule #2: An SWR below 2 is acceptable (less than 11% of power is reflected so we have much of the power available for transmission).
* Rule #3: '''Always connect an antenna to the sender''' (otherwise 100% of signal is reflected, which may kill the sender)
* Rule #4: Keep the polarization of your antennas the same way.
* Rule #5: The more dBi, the more power in one direction.
* Rule #6: With a proper antenna setup, the distance in air is not an issue if we have a line of sight.
* Rule #7: Longer is not always better for antennas. Smarter is better.
All coming from the famous [ video of Andreas Spiess]. 
=== What is SWR? ===
== Getting Help from Radio Amateur ==
Designing and testing an antenna for long distance communication is an intensive work.
You could find some help from our Radio Amateurs friends.
To locate a [ Radio Amateur Club] near of your home then have a look [ the "Maker's Maps"] owned at MC Hobby.
A '''yellow mark''' indicates the Radio Amateur clubs.
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