Tilt Ball-Utiliser

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Lire le swith avec un microcontroleur

Note that the layout above shows a 10K pullup resistor but for the code I use the 'built-in' pullup resistor that you can turn on by setting an input pin to HIGH output (its quite neat!) If you use the internal pull-up you can skip the external one.


    /* Better Debouncer
    * This debouncing circuit is more rugged, and will work with tilt switches!
    * http://www.ladyada.net/learn/sensor/tilt.html
    int inPin = 2; // the number of the input pin
    int outPin = 13; // the number of the output pin
    int LEDstate = HIGH; // the current state of the output pin
    int reading; // the current reading from the input pin
    int previous = LOW; // the previous reading from the input pin
    // the follow variables are long's because the time, measured in miliseconds,
    // will quickly become a bigger number than can be stored in an int.
    long time = 0; // the last time the output pin was toggled
    long debounce = 50; // the debounce time, increase if the output flickers
    void setup()
    pinMode(inPin, INPUT);
    digitalWrite(inPin, HIGH); // turn on the built in pull-up resistor
    pinMode(outPin, OUTPUT);
    void loop()
    int switchstate;
    reading = digitalRead(inPin);
    // If the switch changed, due to bounce or pressing...
    if (reading != previous) {
    // reset the debouncing timer
    time = millis();
    if ((millis() - time) > debounce) {
    // whatever the switch is at, its been there for a long time
    // so lets settle on it!
    switchstate = reading;
    // Now invert the output on the pin13 LED
    if (switchstate == HIGH)
    LEDstate = LOW;
    LEDstate = HIGH;
    digitalWrite(outPin, LEDstate);
    // Save the last reading so we keep a running tally
    previous = reading;

Source: Tilt Sensor. Created by LadyAda pour AdaFruit Industries

Traduit par Meurisse D. pour MCHobby.be

Traduit avec l'autorisation d'AdaFruit Industries - Translated with the permission from Adafruit Industries - www.adafruit.com

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