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To Follow This Tutorial You Will Need
== To Follow This Tutorial You Will Need ==
* Standard LCD 16x2 + extras
* [http://mchobby.be/PrestaShop/product.php?id_product=176 un afficheur LCD 16x2 + extras]
* Adafruit Pi Cobbler - follow the tutorial to assemble it
* {{link-product-picobbler}}
* Half or Full-size breadboard
* {{link-product-bbdemi}}
* Hook-up Wire
* {{link-product-filsbb}}
* A Raspberry Pi
* {{link-product-pi}}

Version du 27 janvier 2013 à 16:26

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Adding a LCD to any project immediately kicks it up a notch. This tutorial explains how to connect a inexpensive HDD44780 compatible LCD to the raspberry pi using 6 GPIOs. While there are other ways to connect using I2C or the UART this is the most direct method that get right down to the bare metal.

This technique:

  • allows for inexpensive LCDs to be used
  • does not require any i2c drivers
  • won't steal the only serial port on the Pi.

The example python code sends date, time and the ip address to the display. If you are running a Pi in headless mode being able to determine the IP address at a glance is really handy.


To Follow This Tutorial You Will Need

Source: Character LCD with Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black écrit par Tony Dicola pour Adafruit Industries.

Traduit avec l'autorisation d'AdaFruit Industries - Translated with the permission from Adafruit Industries - www.adafruit.com

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