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== Connexion Réseau ==
== Connexion Réseau ==
With the Raspberry Pi 3 we saw the introduction of built in WIFI! Yes we no longer need USB dongles to connect. The WIFI chip on the Pi 3 is a BCM43438 which is rated up to Wireless N which gives us plenty of bandwidth to stream video over WIFI.
With the Raspberry Pi 3 we saw the introduction of built in WIFI! Yes we no longer need USB dongles to connect. The WIFI chip on the Pi 3 is a BCM43438 which is rated up to Wireless N which gives us plenty of bandwidth to stream video over WIFI.

Version du 3 juillet 2016 à 15:57

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Connexion Réseau

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With the Raspberry Pi 3 we saw the introduction of built in WIFI! Yes we no longer need USB dongles to connect. The WIFI chip on the Pi 3 is a BCM43438 which is rated up to Wireless N which gives us plenty of bandwidth to stream video over WIFI.

Connexion sur le WiFi

Connecting to WIFI from the terminal is rather easy, but looks rather scary!

Firstly we need to find out the name of our router, the SSID.

In a terminal type

sudo iwlist wlan0 scan

Look for the name of your router. It should look something like this, replace MY_ROUTER with the name of your router.


Next look through the text for your router and see if you can spot a line similar to this.

IE: IEEE 802.11i/WPA2 Version 1

So now we need to add our network details to a file called wpa-supplicant, in the terminal type.

sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

In the text editor, navigate to the bottom of the text and add the following. Obviously change the ssid and psk to match the name of your router and the password you use to get online.


Save your work by pressing CTRL + O then press Enter. Next Press CTRL + X to exit the editor.

The changes should be automatic, but it is prudent to make sure by typing the next two lines one after another.

sudo ifdown wlan0  
sudo ifup wlan0

You can check your IP address by typing

ifconfig wlan0

Your IP address should pop up for the interface wlan0, which is our WIFI card.

The best test to check that this works is to reboot your Raspberry Pi and see if it auto connects to the WIFI. To reboot type.

sudo reboot

Fixer l'adresse IP du Pi

To ensure that we can discover our Pi on a network we will now fix the IP address of the Pi.

First we need to find out the IP address, in the terminal type.

hostname -I

Now let's fix the IP address, in the terminal type

sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt

At the very end of the line we will add the IP address that we earlier wrote down. So type


With the IP entered press CTRL + O, then Enter to save your changes.

Now press CTRL + X to close the file.

Now reboot your Pi to make the changes permanent.

sudo reboot

With your Pi rebooted we shall now test that we can access the Plex server. On your laptop or desktop PC open a web browser and type your IP address followed by :32400/web so for example I typed.

Se connecter sur le serveur Plex

Une fois la configuration réseau terminée, vous pouvez vous connecter sur votre Plex serveur à l'aide de votre navigateur Internet.

Ouvrez un navigateur internet sur votre ordinateur portable ou PC de bureau et saisissez votre Adresse IP comme suit:

Si vous avez modifié le nom de votre rapsberry-pi (le Hostname comme suggéré en début de tutoriel).



Login et Mot de passe

A votre première connexion, l'interface vous demande de saisir votre login et mot de passe. Cette étape n'est pas obligatoire si vous n'utilisez pas de connexion à distance. Cliquez sur le lien "what is this" en bas à droite de la page puis ignorer l'enregistrement.

Source: A more powerful Plex media server using Raspberry Pi 3 créé par biglesp et posté sur element14 community

Traduit libre et augmentée par Meurisse D. pour MCHobby SPRL

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