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MCHobby investit du temps et de l'argent dans la réalisation de traduction et/ou documentation. C'est un travail long et fastidieux réalisé dans l'esprit Open-Source... donc gratuit et librement accessible.
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Brancher sur USB

If you have a USB console cable you can wire it up directly and send commands using any Terminal software

For Windows, we suggest Putty - it's free and open source!


In this example, we're using le câble console que nous proposons.

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

You will have to install the PL2303 driver and determine the COM port before you continue.

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

Connect to that COM port at 8N1 (8-bit, no parity bit, 1 stop bit) at 9600 baud. You can actually use any baud rate and it will autodetect but 9600 is supported by any terminal program!

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

Vérifiez bien!

  • You have a Lipoly battery plugged in to the FONA JST
  • You have a working 2G SIM installed in the back
  • Connect Black wire to GND
  • Connect White wire to TX
  • Connect Green wire to RX
  • Connect Red wire to Vio
  • You may need to hold down the KEY button for 2 seconds until the PWR LED is lit and the NET LED blinks

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

Commandes de test

The FONA will echo characters back so you can see what you're typing - very handy!

Start by initializing the auto-baud'er by sending AT and then return

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

You may have to try it twice to get it to auto baud. Once it works you should see the AT characters echo and then OK telling you its OK!

You can then send some commands to query the module and get information about it such as

  • ATI - Get the module name and revision
  • AT+CMEE=2 - Turn on verbose errors (handy for when you are trying out commands!)
  • AT+CCID - get the SIM card number - this tests that the SIM card is found OK and you can verify the number is written on the card

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

Tester la configuration

Some tests to verify the setup:

  • AT+COPS? Check that you're connected to the network, in this case T-Mobile
  • AT+CSQ - Check the 'signal strength' - the first # is dB strength, it should be higher than around 5. Higher is better. Of course it depends on your antenna and location!
  • AT+CBC - will return the lipo battery state. The second number is the % full (in this case its 92%) and the third number is the actual voltage in mV (in this case, 3.877 V)

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

Tester l'envoi de SMS

Finally, you can try to text your phone! Sending an SMS is pretty darn easy.

  • AT+CMGF=1 - this will set it to TEXT mode not PDU (data) mode. You must do this because otherwise you cannot just type out the message.
  • AT+CMGS="nnnnnn" - send a text message! You will get a '>' prompt for typing. Type out your message and when you are done send a [Control-Z] on an empty line to send

It may take a few seconds after the Control-Z character for the module to send the SMS (you'll get a +CMGS) and verify it was sent (OK reply)

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

Tester l'appel vocal

You can also make a phone call, you must have a headset attached to the 4-pole 3.5mm headset connector, with a mic!

To call, dial

  • To call, dial ATDnnnnn; Don't forget the ; at the end!
  • If they pick up you'll hear it in the headset, if no pickup, you'll get a NO CARRIER return
  • Once you are chatting, you can hang up by sending ATH

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries

Source: Adafruit FONA - Call phones, send and receive SMSs, & more! All with FONA. Ecrit par Lady Ada pour AdaFruit. Crédit AdaFruit Industries

Traduit par Meurisse D. pour

Traduit avec l'autorisation d'AdaFruit Industries - Translated with the permission from Adafruit Industries -

Toute référence, mention ou extrait de cette traduction doit être explicitement accompagné du texte suivant : «  Traduction par MCHobby ( - Vente de kit et composants » avec un lien vers la source (donc cette page) et ce quelque soit le média utilisé.

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