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The put() function allows you to store data on the Linux processor using a Key/Value structure. The Key field is like a label and you can associate a value to it. The key name must be unique in order to identify the correct value. On the Linux side there is a data store where all the keys and the values are saved.

The datastore is saved in the RAM of the AR9331, you will lose the datastore when you restart the bridge software on the Linux side (through power cycling, resetting the Linux processor, or uploading a sketch through WiFi or Ethernet). You will not lose the datastore if you reset the ATMega32u4 processor.


bridge.put(key, value)


  • key: char or string, the key name you want to assign to identify the value.
  • value: char or string, the value you want to store.





Voir aussi

Source: Arduino Yun, Guide to the Arduino Yún. Crédit: Arduino.cc, licence Creative Common Attribution ShareAlike.

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