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La facilité pour tous

Spark's tools are designed to be easy to use for novices, so designers, students, and artists without a technical background can build connected products. At the same time, our tools are powerful enough for a skilled embedded systems designer, and there are many ways to work with Spark that give you full control over the system down to the bare metal.

Erreur lors de la création de la miniature : Fichier manquant

Crédit: Particle.IO
Get started with our Kits and Shields. These come with everything you need to get started without a soldering iron or even a line of code. From there you can grow and learn as you try new things!
Erreur lors de la création de la miniature : Fichier manquant

Crédit: Particle.IO
Perhaps you have experience with software programming, but you're new to hardware? Our REST API means you can create incredible experiences interacting with hardware on the web or in a mobile app with an API that looks like Twilio, Stripe, or Twitter.
Erreur lors de la création de la miniature : Fichier manquant

Crédit: Particle.IO
The Spark Core is open source down to the bare metal. You can dig through our libraries, compile your own code, and optimize anything and everything for your project. Go as fast as you want.

Kit de développement

Erreur lors de la création de la miniature : Fichier manquant

Crédit: Particle.IO

Spark's hardware dev kit, the Spark Core, provides everything you need to build a connected product. We combine a powerful ARM Cortex M3 micro-controller with a Wi-Fi module to get you started quickly. The design is open source, so when you're ready to integrate the Core into your product, you can.

Spark Cores are $39 retail, cheaper in volume, and the hardware can be integrated into your product for a total cost of less than $15 including the Core components.


Erreur lors de la création de la miniature : Fichier manquant

Crédit: Particle.IO

Spark's web development environment lets you create a connected product in the cloud, without installing a toolchain on your system. You can save your code online, include libraries developed by the community, and flash code to your device wirelessly. We're constantly improving the capabilities of the web IDE, so watch for new features.

Cliquez ici pour essayez Web IDE.

Interface en ligne de commande

Crédit: Particle.IO

If you're the kind of coder who misses the good old days of DOS, don't worry. Spark's command line tool (CLI) is designed to bring you the speed of mouse-free development that you love so much. Compiling, Wi-Fi setup, serial monitor and more are all availabe in the CLI.

Cliquez ici pour télécharger le CLI

Le langage

We're all about using the right tool for the job. When you write embedded code, you can choose between Wiring (the language of Arduino), C/C++ or even ARM assembly, depending on your level of experience and self-hate. On the web side, you can work with whatever language you prefer; our community has developed language wrappers for nearly every modern programming language including Node.js, Ruby, Python, and more.

Crédit: Particle.IO

Les bibliothèques

Spark's community has developed dozens of libraries to simplify development with a variety of components like Neopixels, temperature sensors, I2C displays, and more. No need to search for libraries; the ones developed and selected by the community are available right in the web IDE.

Crédit: Particle.IO


Every device connected to Spark OS automatically has a REST API. Write functions in your device's firmware and call them from a web or mobile app in real-time from anywhere in the world. Remotely POST a function call, GET a variable, or PUT new firmware. We use the language of HTTP to give you direct access to the device in a secure, controlled way.

Crédit: Particle.IO

Publier et souscrire

Sous l’appellation Pub/Sub (Publish/Subscribe) pour publier/souscrire est une fonctionnalité avancée de l'API Rest.

Crédit: Particle.IO

The REST API gives you one-to-one communications, but what about one-to-many? Spark OS also includes pub/sub communications so that devices can talk to one another (by publishing and subscribing to the same topics) or broadcast messages to the world. It's like Twitter for things.

Source: Spark.IO Feature créé par Spark.IO.

Traduction réalisée par Meurisse D pour - Translated by Meurisse D. for

Traduit avec l'autorisation de Spark.IO - Translated with the permission from Spark.IO - Spark.IO

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