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Interrupteur On/Off

The PowerBoost 500C does not come with an on/off switch for the output, but its very easy to add one! Just grab a Breadboard friendly SPDT slide switch.

We will be turning the boost on/off via the ENABLE pin, so the switch does not have to carry any power, it is only signalling to the boost converter what to do. This means the switch can be small. Use any switch you like, if it is 0.1" spacing thats ideal. If your switch only has two pins instead of three, tie one pin to GND and the other pin to EN - when the switch is closed, the power will turn off.



Crédit à AdaFruit.com pour toutes les images ci-dessous - All images here under are credited to AdaFruit.com

  The switch will go into the breakout header, and attach to VBAT EN and GND

The switch is symmetric so as long as those three pins are attached to the switch you are good to go.

  Before soldering, check that you have the right three pins!
  Solder in all three pins with any kind of solder making sure you have a good connection
  Yay! Check your work...
  Clip off the long pins with diagonal cutters
  When the switch is to the left, the 5V power will be on, you can tell because the blue LED is lit
  Slide to the right to turn it off.

Tutoriel Adafruit PowerBoost 500 Charger créé par Lady Ada pour AdaFruit Industries.

Tutoriel traduit par Meurisse D. pour MCHobby.be

Traduit avec l'autorisation d'AdaFruit Industries - Translated with the permission from Adafruit Industries - www.adafruit.com

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