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MCHobby invest time and money to produce documentation and tutorials. It is a very long work made in the Open-Source spirit... so available for free to everyone.
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The Motor-Skin board help you to take the controle of two DC motors (backward and forward). With this, you can easily create a small robotic plateform with few additional material like our 2 wheels kit.


The motor skin is the result of our first former project named "PyBoard à Roulette" (blog de MCHobby). Motor-Skin is suited to ease the wiring and driving of 2 wheels DC motors robot.


Based on a L293D, you will be able to drive two motors in the two directions. With a L293D, you have 4 H-Bridge - each one being able to draw 600mA (1.2Amp peak current). The L293D does have an overheating protection.

The HBride can work with voltage between 4 to 25V. However this voltage is limited to 10V max for the Motor-Skin because it also power to the PyBoard and the S7V7F5 regulator.

Available in two flavors

The Motor-Skin is available in two flavors:

Créé par Meurisse D. pour MCHobby.be - Created by Meurisse D. for MCHobby.be

Every reference, text extract of this document should be accompagned with the following credit text : «  produced/translated by MCHobby (www.MCHobby.be) - shop for kit and componants » together with a link to the source (so this page). The credit text must be applied on every type of media.

The commercial usage of this text/translation/project's content may be subject to royality fee. In every use case, you must also have the agreement of the initial owner (concerns translation work and content reuse)