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Qu'est ce qu'UniPi?

UniPi est une extension pour Raspberry Pi qui permet de créer un automate programmable.


UniPi is an extension for Raspberry Pi and in combination, they make programmable controller unit. It is suitable for use in Smart Home, BMS systems (Building management system) and for the development of innovation in the field of Internet of Things. As an example may be building heating automation, automatic light switching, watering systems, garage and gate control and other applications (read more in our references and Smart Home applications description). UniPi is an affordable control unit which can help you increase comfort and decrease operation costs.

Fonctionnalités principales

Key features of the product

   8 × changeover relays (rated 250V AC/5A or 24V DC/5A)
   14 × galvanically isolated digital inputs (triggered by 5-24V DC)
   2 × 0-10 V analog inputs
   1 × 0-10 V analog output
   1 × 1-Wire port (suitable for connection of for example digital 1-Wire thermometers or other 1-Wire sensors)
   1 × I2C port for extension
   1 × Battery slot for RTC (Real Time Clock)
   1 × UART port for external serial communications (it is possible to connect directly via serial adapter)

UniPi v1.1 is officially compatible with Raspberry Pi model B+, Raspberry Pi 2 model B and with Raspberry Pi 3 model B.

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