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The following wiring will prepare the "Receiver Station" for the mission 1. From the "RFM69HCW Testing" section, we will use an Arduino UNO and RFM69HCW module to redirect the Radio Messages to the serial port.



Feather M0 Express RFM69
13 SCK
4 CS
3 G0

Download the code

The code is available for download on the GitHub associated to this wiki.

About testing

Once uploaded to your Arduino, open the Serial Monitor and set it to 115200 bauds.

You should see the following messages appears on the Serial Monitor.


Where we could see the received messages with additional information.

  • Each data received and send to the serial connexion are prefixed with [DATA]
  • The prefix is followed by information enclosed between parenthesis (), this concerns the received data.
    Entries are key=value pairs separated by coma.
  • At the end, we retrieve the transmitted data (as they have been sent).

In the informations:

The code explained

Here some explanation about the mission1-serial-radio-receiver.ino sketch used in the CanSat.

This Arduino sketch would:

  1. Collect the sensor data over the radio connexion
  2. Reply an ACK to the Emitter
  3. Send it the data to the serial connexion
Don't forget to update the radio frequency RF69_FREQ and the encryption key key[]

First, the script will includes all the needed libraries.

Compile and upload

Select the proper board in the menu Tools -> Type of board : Arduino/Genuino UNO

Select the proper port in the menu Tools -> Port

Then press the "compile" button.

Written by Meurisse D. from MC Hobby - License: CC-SA-BY.