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This tutorial can be conduct with your own source of materials.

If by any chance you have a Cansat Pico Kit, you do have the needed material but also additional boards to pre-assemble a CANSAT objet.

This section contains recommandations and tips to follow to quickly assemble your kit and be ready to work within 10 to 15 minutes.

Raspberry-Pi Pico Soldering

The Pico is the MicroControler propeling the board.

It is soldered on the top of the Cansat Base Board, this can be done with Pin Header or directly flat on the board.


Lets starts to assemble it!

  Pick up the base board and place it with the top part up. You should see the message "Raspberry Pico (This side)" on the board.

If you are more confortable with leveled board to work on then place the piece of cardboard under the board to help you when soldering.

  Cut two sections of pins, we will is them to align the Pico to solder it.

Tip: Make a section of 8 pins, it can be reused to solder the powerboost.

Place the long part of the PinHeader in the Pico holes (from under board) as shown on the picture.

  Place the Pico on the top of the board. It should be perfectly aligned thanks to the pin header.
  Solder two opposite pads on the board to make the Pico staying on the right place.

Place the bit of iron just at the separation between the two boards.

Melt solder... it will start to melt on the base board then also wet the Pico pad.

Voilà! you just learn to solder a castelate pad. Repeat the same operation on the opposite side to secure the Pico on the base.

  Remove the pin headers then solder the remaining pads.

PowerBoost 500 Charger Soldering

The PowerBoost 500 is the default powering system of this kit.


Let's solder it

  Pico up the base board with the back of the board on the desk.

You should see Qwiic connector and the text "PowerBoost 500 Charger" written.

  Place a section of 8 pins into the connector (the short part into the connector).

Tip: use a small piece a paper tape to maintain the connector right in place.

  Flip over the board and solder the connector in place.
  Replace the board on the desk to see the "PowerBoost" text.

Slides the PowerBoost 500 as

PowerBoost 1000 Charger Soldering

The PowerBoost 500 of the kit can be replaced with a PowerBoost 1000 to get more power (1000mA) from the Lipo battery

RFM69HCW Soldering

The RFM69HWC is the radio module used in the CanSat-Pico kit to transmit data

Written by Meurisse D. for MCHobby

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