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It is now time to establish a communication between:

  • a Data Emitter (CanSat) made with a raspberry-Pico + RFM69HCW-433MHz.
  • a Data Receiver (Base Station) made with the second RFM69HCW coupled to another Pico microcontroler.

As the kit contains contains two Pico microcontroller we will be able to create the "Data Emitter" on the CanSat as well as the Data Receiver at the ground station.

In this simple example:

  1. The Data Emitter will send a message and wait 500ms for a response (ACK).
  2. The Data Receiver will receive the message.
  3. The Data Receiver will send a ACK reply.


As we will see, there are 2 key items to be highlighted:

  1. The frequency must be identical in the emitter and the receiver (eg: 433.1 MHz in this example).
  2. The encryption key must be identical on the both side.

Installing the RFM69 library

If not done yet, we will have to copy the RFM69 MicroPython library on your MicroPython board.

That library support lot of RFM modules including our RFM69HCW.

Adafruit did fork the RadioHead library and add some useful sample, so we will install the small|Adafruit's RadioHead forked library.

For easy install, you can run Arduino IDE and open the menu "Sketch -> Add a .ZIP library..."

Written by Meurisse D. for MCHobby

MCHobby investit du temps et de l'argent dans la réalisation de traduction et/ou documentation. C'est un travail long et fastidieux réalisé dans l'esprit Open-Source... donc gratuit et librement accessible.
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