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Révision datée du 6 mars 2022 à 20:19 par Admin (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « {{ENG-CANSAT-PICO-NAV}} == Introduction == The following wiring will prepare the Receiver "Base Station" for the mission 1. From the "RFM69HCW Testing" section, we will u… »)
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The following wiring will prepare the Receiver "Base Station" for the mission 1. From the "RFM69HCW Testing" section, we will use a Raspberry-Pico wired to a RFM69HCW module in order to capture the Radio Messages and redirect them the USB-Serial connection.

As such, we will be able to receive (and even store) the data sent by the CanSat emitter.


Written by Meurisse D. for MCHobby

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