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MicroPython How To

This section of the tutoriel contains small portion of code explaining how to use digital pins, analog pins, buses and all the fundamentals to control the board with Python code.

Control an output

The onboard LED is tied to the GPIO 25. Here how to control it.

from machine import Pin
led = Pin(25, Pin.OUT)
led.value(1) # Switch on the LED
led.value(0) # Switch off the LED

This will work the same with any GPIO pins.

Additional tutorials

Anyway, the followings are also goods and complete references.

Pico Python SDK


A MicroPython environment for RP2040 microcontrollers.

Arduino Yun


Arduino Yun, spécialiste du WIFI et du Net. avec traduction de la librairie en français.


MOD-Wii-Chuck [UEXT]


Contrôleur de jeu I2C Wii Nunchuck. Exploiter le sous MicroPython (via port UEXT).


Written by Meurisse D. for MCHobby

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