Adafruit Motor Shield V2-Alimentation Moteur

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Besoin en tension

La premier point sur lequel il faut se pencher, c'est la tension dont vous avez besoin pour faire fonctionner vos moteurs.

Si vous avez de la chance, votre moteur dispose de spécifications (fiche technique). Certains moteurs hobbyiste sont destinés a ne fonctionner qu'en 1.5V, mais il est assez commun d'avoir des moteurs fonctionnant sous une tension de 6 à 12V. Le contrôleur de moteur de ce shield est conçu pour fonctionner de 5V à 12V.

La plupart des moteurs 1.5-3V ne fonctionneront pas

Besoin en courant

The second thing to figure out is how much current your motor will need. The motor driver chips that come with the kit are designed to provide up to 1.2 A per motor, with 3A peak current. Note that once you head towards 2A you'll probably want to put a heat-sink on the motor driver, otherwise you will get thermal failure, possibly burning out the chip.

Use a big Lead Acid or NiMH battery pack. Its also very much suggested that you set up two power supplies (split supply) one for the Arduino and one for the motors. 99% of 'weird motor problems' are due to noise on the power line from sharing power supplies and/or not having a powerful enough supply! Even small DC motors can draw up to 3 Amps when they stall.

Configurer le shield pour des Servos

Servos are powered off of the same regulated 5V that the Arduino uses. This is OK for the small hobby servos suggested. Basically, power up your Arduino with the USB port or DC barrel jack and you're good to go. If you want something beefier, cut the trace going to the optional servo power terminal and wire up your own 5-6V supply!

Configurer le shield pour des moteurs

The DC motors are powered off of a 'high voltage supply' and NOT the regulated 5V. Don't connect the motor power supply to the Arduino's 5V power pin. This is a very very very bad idea unless you are sure you know what you're doing! You could damage your Arduino and/or USB port! There are two places you can get your motor 'high voltage supply' from.

   One is the DC barrel jack on the Arduino board
   The other is the 2-terminal block on the shield that is labeled DC Motor Power 5-12VDC.

The DC Jack on the Arduino has a protection diode so you won't be able to mess things up too bad if you plug in the wrong kind of power. The terminal block as a protection FET so you will not damage the arduino/shield if you wire up your battery supply backwards, but it wont work either!

Here's how it works:

Crédit: AdaFruit Industries Traduction par MCHobby

Une seule alim. pour Arduino + Moteurs

Say a wall adapter or a single battery pack with 6-12VDC output, simply plug it into the DC jack on the Arduino or the 2-pin power terminal block on the shield. Place the power jumper on the motor shield.

Note that you may have problems with Arduino resets if the battery supply is not able to provide constant power, so it is not a suggested way of powering your motor project. You cannot use a 9V battery for this, it must be 4 to 8 AA batteries or a single/double lead acid battery pack.

Arduino alim. via USB + alim. pour moteurs

Plug in the USB cable. Then connect the motor supply to the power terminal block on the shield. Do not place the jumper on the shield.

This is a suggested method of powering your motor project as it has a split supply, one power supply for logic, and one supply for motors

Alim. séparées pour Arduino et moteurs

Plug in the supply for the Arduino into the DC jack, and connect the motor supply to the power terminal block. Make sure the jumper is removed from the motor shield.

Source: Adafruit Motor Shield V2 for Arduino créé par LadyAda pour AdaFruit Industries. Crédit [ AdaFruit Industries]

Traduit par Meurisse D. pour

Nos remerciements à Mr Pierre M. pour ses suggestions de correction.

Traduit avec l'autorisation d'AdaFruit Industries - Translated with the permission from Adafruit Industries -

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