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(Page créée avec « {{PiFace2-Manuel-NAV}} {{traduction}} {{PiFace2-Manuel-TRAILER}} »)
Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
The 8 green screw terminals are inputs and used to detect if a switch or contact is open or closed. An input will register when it is connected to GND. The inputs are labelled on the underside of the board.
The four switches, labelled S0 to S3, are connected in parallel to the first four (0-3) inputs.
=== Connexion de boutons ==
To wire up an external button connect the input pin of PiFaceTM Digital 2 to one contact on the button and another wire from GND on PiFaceTM Digital 2 to the other switch contact.
Check your button’s datasheet to see which pins should be wired up.

Version du 15 mai 2017 à 21:06

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The 8 green screw terminals are inputs and used to detect if a switch or contact is open or closed. An input will register when it is connected to GND. The inputs are labelled on the underside of the board.

The four switches, labelled S0 to S3, are connected in parallel to the first four (0-3) inputs.


= Connexion de boutons

To wire up an external button connect the input pin of PiFaceTM Digital 2 to one contact on the button and another wire from GND on PiFaceTM Digital 2 to the other switch contact.

Check your button’s datasheet to see which pins should be wired up.


Traduction basée sur le document Technical DataSheet produit par Farnell

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